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La lettoreria / La legantovendejo
di Massimo Acciai

La porta

di Francesco Felici

di Massimiliano Chiamenti

Poesia italiana

Questa rubrica è aperta a chiunque voglia inviare testi poetici inediti, purché rispettino i più elementari principi morali e di decenza...
poesie di Massimo Acciai, Maria Chiara, Massimiliano Chiamenti, Rossana D'Angelo, Gabriella Garofalo, Giacomo Occupati, Davide Riccio, Miklos Rodzsjer, Marco Saya, Marco Simonelli

Poesia in lingua

Questa rubrica è aperta a chiunque voglia inviare testi poetici, in una lingua diversa dall'italiano, purché rispettino i più elementari principi morali e di decenza...
poesie in lingua bulgara, napoletana, lituano/esperanto, volapük

Four kings

di Massimiliano Chiamenti

There were four kings coming from far
There were four kings coming from far
There were four kings coming from far
There were four kings coming from far

The first king had a horse of silver
The second had a horse of gold
The third king had a horse of diamonds
The fourth king had nothing but love
Nothing but love
Nothing but love

The first king had a sword of silver
The second had a sword of gold
The third king had a sword of diamonds
The fourth king had nothing but love
Nothing but love
Nothing but love

The first king had clothes of silver
The second had clothes of gold
The third king had clothes of diamonds
The fourth king had nothing but love
Nothing but love
Nothing but love

The first king had a crown of silver
The second had a crown of gold
The third king had a crown of diamonds
The fourth king had a crown of thorns
A crown of thorns
A crown of thorns

He had nothing but love
He just had a crown of thorns
He had no diamonds at all
He just had a crown of thorns


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